Getting Started

Please read the Installation section before going any further.

Importing and Setup

Import logging and the logger_helper.LoggerHelper class to get started:

>>> import logging
>>> import logger_helper

Here, as an example, we’re going to set up and use a simple file handler to capture our logs, but you can (and should) configure the logging module as you would normally (see the Python documentation on logging configuration) if you’re going to use it in your own application:

>>> logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
>>> handler = logging.FileHandler('/tmp/my_log.log', 'w')
>>> logger.addHandler(handler)
>>> logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

Now we’ve got a basic logger configured we can create a new instance of the logger_helper.LoggerHelper class. Pass it the logger we want it to write to and the level at which it should write to it with:

>>> log = logger_helper.LoggerHelper(
...     logging.getLogger(__name__), logging.DEBUG)

That’s it, you’re done! (almost). The only thing that’s left to do from here is to choose the modules, classes, methods and functions to wrap!


Once you have the logger configured, classes, methods and functions can all be wrapped very simply, just use the class instance as a decorator:

>>> @log
>>> class MyClass:
>>>     def method_one(self, param):
>>>         print('Method one:', param)
>>>         return 123
>>> @log
>>> def my_function(param_1, param_2):
>>>     print('Doing something with {} and {}'.format(param_1, param_2))
>>>     raise Exception('Something didn\'t work out...')

After you’ve wrapped your classes and functions, you can use them just as you would normally:

>>> my_class = MyClass()
>>> my_class.method_one('Hi')
Method one: Hi
>>> try:
...     my_function('Blue', 'Green')
... except Exception as ex:
...     print('Caught:', ex)
Doing something with Blue and Green
Caught: Something didn't work out...

Now, lets take a look at /tmp/my_log.log (the handler we set up at the beginning of this tutorial):

cat /tmp/my_log.log
Calling __main__.MyClass.method_one(param = 'Hi')
Returned 123 from __main__.MyClass.method_one
Calling __main__.my_function(param_1 = 'Blue', param_2 = 'Green')
Exception Exception occurred in __main__.my_function, "Something didn't work out..."

Done! (for real this time). That’s how simple it is to get started with Logger Helper!

The mod Method

There is one other useful feature that Logger Helper provides, the logger_helper.LoggerHelper.mod() method. When it’s passed a module, it will wrap all functions and classes within it.

Assuming that we’ve set up our logger and LoggerHelper (as described above) and you have import my_module in your file, we can then do the following:

>>> log.mod(my_module) # Remember that `log` is an instance of `logger_helper.LoggerHelper`

You can also pass a list of symbols (classes/functions) that you want to wrap within your module to limit what gets wrapped:

>>> log.mod(my_module, ['ClassOne', 'some_function'])